


Migraines services offered in Merrimack, NH

Migraines can really throw a wrench in the course of your day, making it challenging to get through normal routines. If you’ve had enough and are ready to explore treatment options, reach out to board-certified Maria Abbate, FNP-C, of Beautify in Merrimack, New Hampshire. She’s happy to explain how Botox® might be just what’s needed to help you find relief. Book your visit online or over the phone today.

Migraines Q & A

How do I know if I’m experiencing migraines?

Many people describe migraines as the worst headaches they’ve ever experienced. In reality, migraines aren’t true headaches but a collection of several neurological symptoms, including head pain. 

Migraines can be incredibly painful and disruptive to your normal routine. Some people find themselves unable to participate in work, family, or community activities while they’re in the grips of migraine symptoms. 

Some of the signs of migraines include:

  • Throbbing or pulsing head pain
  • Pain on one or both sides of your head
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, smell, or touch

Some people experience other changes either before or during migraine attacks. These can include pins and needles sensations, vision loss, or seeing shapes or flashes of light. Some are even able to predict a migraine attack due to changes in the days before head pain develops. 

Why is it so important to treat migraines?

Migraines interrupt the flow of your days and nights. They can prevent you from taking care of your obligations when it comes to work or family.

Furthermore, migraines are stressful, and many people can focus on little else while in the grips of an attack. 

There’s no need to suffer through migraine symptoms when treatments can help. If you experience frequent or severe symptoms, it may be time to take action.

How can Botox help reduce the severity of migraines?

Botox works by reducing the strength of muscle contractions. When injected near the pain fibers that create headache symptoms, Botox enters nearby nerve endings, where it prevents the release of chemicals that trigger pain signals. This is known as occipital nerve blocks.

This series of effects can dramatically reduce the pain that occurs during migraine attacks. The results last for 10-12 weeks. For people who have frequent migraines, coming in for routine Botox injections can decrease the severity of migraine pain. 

It takes time for this approach to yield results. Most people report significant pain reduction after their second or third round of injections. 

If you’d like more information, schedule a visit at Beautify to learn more about the role that Botox might play in your ongoing migraine treatment plan. You can book online or by phone in just moments.