


Eyelashes services offered in Merrimack, NH

Do you have thinning eyelashes, or have you noticed them falling out? If so, board-certified Maria Abbate, FNP-C, at Beautify in Merrimack, New Hampshire, is here to help. She offers Latisse® as a powerful solution to bring back your full set of healthy eyelashes. To learn more, call the friendly staff today to book an appointment or schedule a visit online when you’re ready.

Eyelashes Q & A

Why are my eyelashes thinning or falling out?

If your eyelashes are thinning or falling out, various factors might be playing a role, such as:


One common reason for thinning eyelashes is the natural aging process. As you age, hair growth, including eyelashes, tends to slow down, leading to thinner and sparser lashes. 

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes, particularly in women during pregnancy or menopause, can affect the growth cycle of your eyelashes, resulting in shedding or thinning.

Certain medical conditions

Medical conditions like alopecia areata, hypothyroidism, or blepharitis can also contribute to eyelash thinning or loss. They disrupt the normal hair growth cycle, leading to decreased eyelash density.

External factors

You can also lose eyelashes with:

  • Excessive rubbing
  • Pulling on your eyelashes
  • Frequent use of harsh cosmetics
  • Improper makeup removal

These actions can weaken your lashes, causing them to break or fall out prematurely. 

Nutritional deficiencies

To maintain eyelash health and growth, you need vitamins like biotin or minerals, such as iron.

Maria can determine the underlying reasons for your eyelash thinning or loss and address the issue effectively.

Why can’t I grow thicker eyelashes on my own?

While you may struggle to grow thicker eyelashes naturally due to genetic predispositions or underlying health issues, there are options available to enhance lash appearance, such as Latisse®.

Clinical studies show that Latisse helps make lashes fuller, longer, and darker. 

How do I use Latisse to thicken my eyelashes?

To use Latisse, start by ensuring your face is clean and makeup-free. Apply a single drop of the solution to the applicator brush provided and carefully brush it along the base of your upper eyelashes, avoiding contact with your lower lashes or skin.

Consistency is key when using Latisse, as it may take several weeks to start noticing visible improvements in lash length and fullness. Results can vary from person to person, but with regular use, you can experience significant enhancement in your eyelash appearance.

Before starting any new treatment regimen, Maria consults with you to determine the underlying cause of your eyelash concerns and ensures that Latisse is a suitable option for you.

If you’re looking to have thicker eyelashes, call the Beautify office today to book an appointment or use the convenient online scheduler anytime, day or night.