
Excessive Sweating

Excessive Sweating

Excessive Sweating services offered in Merrimack, NH

Sweating is a normal part of life, but for those who experience excessive sweating, this biological function can be incredibly disruptive. Treatment can help and is available from board-certified Maria Abbate, FNP-C, of Beautify in Merrimack, New Hampshire. If you’d like more information, schedule a visit using the online booking page or call the office during normal business hours.

Excessive Sweating Q & A

What are some signs of excessive sweating?

Everyone sweats, and this bodily function is necessary for good health. Sweating helps your skin regulate your body temperature but also serves as a powerful means of detoxification, eliminating heavy metals and chemicals from your body. 

Some people, however, experience a condition known as hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. These individuals sweat much more than is necessary, and that heavy sweating can make you feel self-conscious. 

If you have any of the following symptoms, you might be experiencing hyperhidrosis:

  • Sweating without exercise or physical exertion
  • Sweating when you’re not overheated
  • Sweat that soaks through clothing or dampens your hair
  • Sweating so much that it drips off your hands or soaks through your socks

Some people simply sweat more than others, but if you’re concerned about the volume of sweat your body produces, treatments can help. 

When is the right time to come in for excessive sweating treatment?

If you’re bothered by excessive sweating, you should consider exploring the cause. Some cases are caused by medical conditions like diabetes, nervous system disorders, menopause, or thyroid issues. 

In other cases, excessive sweating is simply the way your body is wired. Researchers believe that there’s a genetic component to hyperhidrosis, so if your close relatives experience the condition, you may have an elevated risk. 

In short, if heavy sweating makes you feel uncomfortable or is distracting in work or social settings, you should consider coming in to discuss treatment options. 

What are some options for managing excessive sweating?

There are special high-powered antiperspirants that can help control heavy sweating. If these products fail to control your sweat production effectively, Botox® injections are also an option. 

Botox works by disabling the chemical messenger that controls sweating. This works to “cut off” your sweat function in the treated area. It only takes a few quick injections to deliver results that can last as long as six months. 

One of the best things about Botox treatment is its temporary nature. You can give this treatment a try, and if it delivers the intended results, you can simply come back in for another round of injections once your sweating begins to intensify again. 

To learn more about your options for treating hyperhidrosis, schedule a visit at Beautify online or by phone at your earliest convenience