
B12 Injections

B12 Injections

B12 Injections services offered in Merrimack, NH

Optimal nutrition is the key to excellent health, but reaching daily recommended levels isn’t always an easy task. That’s why board-certified Maria Abbate, FNP-C, of the medspa Beautify, offers B12 injections to help residents of Merrimack, New Hampshire, boost their levels and feel great each and every day. When you’re ready to learn more, call the office to schedule a visit or book online in just a few clicks.

B12 Injections Q & A

Why is B12 such a vital nutrient?

Your body needs a wide range of micronutrients to thrive, and B12 is one of the most important. Also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 serves a number of essential functions within your body. 

Some of the benefits of vitamin B12 include:

  • Supporting bone health
  • Preventing birth defects
  • Enhancing red blood cell formation
  • Preventing neuron loss within the brain
  • Supporting heart health
  • Boosting energy
  • Enhancing mood
  • Preventing macular degeneration

These benefits are why vitamin B12 is one of the most frequently recommended supplements for adults of all ages. 

Who needs vitamin B12 injections?

Several medical conditions, as well as the aging process, make it difficult for your body to absorb vitamin B12 from food sources, which can leave you deficient in this essential nutrient. Your body doesn’t manufacture vitamin B12, so the only way to obtain this nutrient is by eating meat or B12-fortified grains or taking supplements. 

B12 injections are also an option and offer the chance to get a powerful infusion of vitamin B12 at once. This is a wonderful option for people who have an identified vitamin B12 deficiency, but it’s also a great approach for individuals who simply want to boost their levels as part of their ongoing wellness routine.    

What should I expect when I come in for B12 injections?

Getting B12 injections is a simple process and one that takes very little time out of your busy day. There’s no need for any advance preparation and no downtime. When you arrive, Maria gives you time to get comfortable on the treatment table or chair before administering a quick injection. 

You may feel a pinch as the needle enters your skin, but there’s no significant discomfort associated with vitamin B12 injections. These injections are administered into your muscle tissue to help your body efficiently absorb the micronutrients. You’ll rest for a few moments before heading back out to resume your normal activities. 

Many people schedule B12 injections alongside other wellness or aesthetics treatments to reduce the number of trips to the office. When you’re ready to book, call the office or use the online scheduling tool to find a time that fits your busy life.